Practical information

Bjørnsonhuset has since the opening in 2002 been the main stage for our jazz-concerts. Every year this is where we host the biggest jazz-names partaking in the festival.
With a capacity of approx. 900 and up-to-date facilities, any concert in Bjørnsonhuset presents an exclusive experience.

Alexandraparken (18+)
Alexandraparken has been a regular venue since 2003 and has been an especially important arena during the daytime. In 2009 we chose to extend the offer to also include ticketed concerts in the evenings.
The line-up for Alexandraparken should leave no doubt that this is our largest party-scene. Get grooving!

Moldejazz's largest stage is idyllically situated between old wooden houses at the Romsdal Museum, one of Norway's finest folk museums. The museum concerts have an audience capacity of up to 5.000 and are very important for having a wide concert offer to our audience.
The concerts at the museum are free of charge for children not yet of school-age and there are discounted two-day passes available, including through the «Culture discount for youth» programme.

Inspired by the song «Break of Day in Molde», we have organized a free «Break of Day» concert in Reknesparken, Molde's largest park area. Bring a picnic basket and enjoy your breakfast to world-class musical accompaniment. This is a festival event that you definitely would not want to miss.

Teatret Vårt (PLASSEN)
In Teatret Vårt we present exciting and challenging music in several rounds per day. We host concerts for both sitting and standing audience, with the night concert commencing at midnight.
Age limit, night concert: 18 years (limited number of tickets for those under 18 years available)

Storyville (PLASSEN)
Storyville is Moldejazz «own» stage. The venue is on the 4th floor of the cultural building Plassen and has a capacity of 130 seats. Here we present exciting and challenging music in an intimate and beautiful arena at Gørvelplassen in the centre of Molde.

Molde Cathedral
In Molde Cathedral, a magnificent church of post-war architecture, Moldejazz has tradition to present jazz with popular appeal, usually with origins from New Orleans. Traditionally, the church concerts are some of the first to be sold out.

Magic Mirror (Rådhusplassen)
The idea of revitalizing the offer of traditional jazz music has been present in Moldejazz for several years. When we chose to tackle this in 2017, it was clear that a new venue had to be established and the venue has been received with great enthusiasm.

bar A (Scandic Alexandra)
Bar A is to the left of the reception of Scandic Alexandra. This is where Moldejazz host the festival academy.

Rådsalen is an intimate and noble venue located in the old prison in Øvre veg, 1. floor. Its capacity is 50.

The festival's Street Parade performs every day during the festival. They start from Scandic Alexandra Hotel at 11.30 and walk to the Daae corner before they go back and eventually ends up at Alexandraparken.
Kafé Kurt
Kafé Kurt's ambition is that their menu is to reflect the commitment, quality and creativity of the cultural institutions located at Plassen. The chefs take great pride in cooking from scratch with good ingredients, preferably from local suppliers. You'll find them via their entry on street level.

Taket (Plassen)
The roof of Plassen is a gem, with limited capacity. But the views of the city, the fjord and the 222 mountain peaks are indescribably beautiful! Access from the outside via Sandvegen (north side of the building), or via elevator inside the building.

Molde kulturskole
Live Stream
Følg utvalgte konserter direkte fra Moldejazz via Live Stream
Nytt telt i 2021, på Rådhusplassen i Molde.

Krona (Romsdalsmuseet)
Intim scene inne i selve museumsbygget - "Krona"
Tickets and passes
Information on tickets and passes will be found here soon.
The town of Molde is beautifully situated by the Romsdalsfjord on the northwest coast of Norway. The airport, Årø, is only a 10 min. drive from the town centre.
If you choose to fly to Molde it will take you approx. one hour from all the three largest cities in Norway – Oslo, Trondheim or Bergen. Another alternative is to drive, which on average takes 7 hours from Oslo and 9 hours from Bergen. From Trondheim, the journey only takes 4 hours. It is also possible to travel to Molde by train and bus.
However, if you are travelling from somewhere along the coast from Bergen to the North Cape, using Hurtigruten, the renowned coastal liner, is an experience not to be missed!
Please contact your nearest travel agent for further information.
Tourist Information, Molde:
Phone: +47 71 20 10 00
Fax: +47 71 20 10 01